Thursday, August 19, 2010

Change jobs to make more money to save for school?

I am currently thinking about changing jobs to make more money to save for school next year. I work in a wonderful atmosphere and the people are great and we all get along, but the pay is really bad. In fact, I can easily find a job not related to my career that pays much more. If I stay at the job where I am now, I won't be able to save for school and follow my decision to make a career change. A lot of my friends tell me that I'm silly to be thinking this - but school is now a priority in my life and not this job. What are your thoughts?

Change jobs to make more money to save for school?
I'd say you've answered your own question: your life goals right now are strongly pointed at the future, and depend on the money to go to school.

Your friends do have a point: there is much to be said for a great working environment. You're more productive, both on the job and at home. Several times, I've taken a lower-paying job because of working conditions ... once I had enough money for basic life needs. I also stayed in a cruddy position for 3 years, making enough money for a lifestyle change (my spouse and I are now in a much better position, both financially and emotionally).

Bottom line: go to the job that supports your long-term life goals. If you can, let your current co-workers know what you value about working there. They'll appreciate the compliments, and management will know not to tamper with those parts of a working system.
Reply:Hi, Visit

They have a good job offers for you.

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