Sunday, August 22, 2010

Question about working two jobs?

I have a part time job that pays minimum wage ($5.85) Jobs here are slim so getting a full time job isn't going to happen. I was thinking about looking for another part time job. I was wondering, is working two jobs difficult? I know so many ppl who do it and they seem so damn tired lol obviously that'd be my guess too. But is it really doable?

Question about working two jobs?
Depends on the work. Many new jobs are openning up in the service industry, and these are part-time jobs.

I have worked multiple jobs for many years, and had no problem.

The trick is to have one main job, the reliable one (even if the pay is not that good) and work the other jobs to supplement it. So that the main job takes precendence over the other jobs.

How tired you end up simply depends on how many hours you work, and you could end up working really hard and earning lots of money.
Reply:I go to school full time and work full time (nights about 36 hrs per week). Anything is possible as long as you manage your time well.....(and sleep in the parking deck between classes lol!)
Reply:It is the coordination of them that is important. If you can have them on different days in scheduling, it is obvious it will be the best plan. Do not expect the employers to flex their schedules to accomodate you, though, so try and coordinate everything to how compatible the jobs will be to one another and to your schedule.
Reply:It can be done but it is also a matter of time before this person seriously burn out.
Reply:it really depends on whether you can take it. depending on what hours you work you should be fine. as long as you balance everything else you do. i haven't had two jobs but i work 20hrs a week and am in year 12. i get tired but doesn't everyone.

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